Pictures in family order of the 60 Mickey Family members and/or their significant others that attended the 2001 reunion. I do not have pictures of Joanne's family members that were such a contributory part of the reunion. (Marion Motter, Jeff Clayville, & Georgia Martin)(I will add them as soon as I can get their pictures.) The numbers were inflated by a couple people signing in twice! It was still a record turnout and I feel quite certain that a good time was had by all... Ps If I missed someone, my apology in advance and please let me know!!... Pps Some of the pictures were not taken at the reunion but came from my library....Skip
Sally Pursley, Beth Moyer, Skip Mickey, Trudy Mickey, David Mickey, Carol Hickok, Daniel Mickey, Matthew Mickey, Cindy Friedman, Rich Mickey, Max Mickey, Alice Mickey, John Mickey, Brenda Mickey, Sarah Mickey C. J. Mickey, Judy Watson, Andy Watson, Anne Miller, Scott Miller Hannah Miller, Maxie Miller, Roma Jo Thompson, R Jan Thompson, Randy Thompson Teresa Thompson, Robin Thompson, Jane Thompson, Lisa Thompson, Laura Thompson Reis Thompson, Joanne Thompson, Carol Service, Jerry Service, Joda Ruby Jason Service, Amy Service, Terry Mickey, Carol Mickey, Tara Peifer Jeremy Peifer, Mandy Hennigan, N. Reed Hennigan, Zachary Hennigan, Ben Hennigan Lisa Hennigan, Pete Hennigan, Cheryl Sullivan, Bill sullivan, Jillian Sullivan Laury Hennigan, Barbara Dallara, Keith Dallara, Joe Mickey, Jeanne Brubaker Ray Brubaker, Jim Brubaker, Linda Brubaker, Matthew Brubaker, Heather Jackson,